Pteridophyta is a group of ancient plants. They formed the dominant part of the earths during Palaeozoic and Mesozoic periods. Majority of Pteridophytes became extinct. They are preserved in the form of fossils or coal deposits. Only a few living Pteridophyta are left.
The vegetative plant body is a sporophyte in Pteridophytes. Sporophyte is differentiated into stem, leaves and roots. This spoi ophyte is an independent plant. The sporophyte of Pteridophyta possesses well-developed vascular tissue consisting of both xylem and phloem. The vascular tissue is confined to the central region of the stem forming the stele. It is clearly demarcated from the cortex by a well-developed endodermis.
Pteridophytes possess all terrestrial characters. The epidermis of the aerial parts is covered by cuticles. The roots are adventitious. It possesses a root cap and root hair. Branching of the stem is dichotomous or lateral. Secondary growth is absent in the living forms.
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